
Create a trade for a cargo super set. The trade is offered by the given faction, and consists of an offer of a given number of a given cargo in exchange for a given number of any cargo from the given cargo super set.

prototype htrade iTrade.CreateTradeForCargoSuperSet(
				 hfaction offering_faction,
				 eCargoType cargo_type_offered,
				 int num_offered,
				 eCargoSuperSet, cargo_superset_wanted,
				 int num_wanted,
				 int offers );

offering_faction : The handle of the faction offering the trade.
cargo_type_offered : The enum of the cargo type offered.
num_offered : The number of cargo pods offered.
cargo_superset_wanted : The enum of the cargo category wanted.
num_wanted : The number of cargo pods wanted.
offers : How many times this trade can be repeated.

  Return value:
Returns the trade handle.

Once created, the trade must be offered for the player to see it in their trade list.

See also:
iTrade.CreateTradeForCargoType, iTrade.CreateTradeForCargoCategory, iCargo.eCargoType, iInventory.eCargoSuperSet, iTrade.OfferTrade